Clare Louise


The Critical Role of Emotional and Mental Toughness

Mental toughness, the attitude one takes on in any endeavour, is crucial and useful on two fronts, and it is something every person should strive to cultivate. To begin with, it elucidates the drivers behind common behavioural patterns in both...


The Importance of Drinking Enough Water

Registered dietitian Kerry Bair stresses the need of being well hydrated all summer long. We're willing to bet that you've heard the importance of being hydrated emphasised more than once, especially when you're working up a sweat via physical exercise....


Common Conditions Addressed in Pediatric Foot Care

Pediatric foot care is a medical field that prevents, diagnoses, and treats foot issues in children. Like adults, children are susceptible to foot problems. Kids are more active, increasing the chances of developing traumatic-related foot injuries. Since kids' ankle and...


What is Skin Tightening and Why is It Important?

Skin tightening is a cosmetic procedure designed to reduce the size of large pores, improve skin elasticity and smoothness, and minimize fine lines and wrinkles. Skin tightening Shreveport may be performed with other procedures such as facelifts or chemical peels....


Advantages of Nuclear Stress Testing

Recently, there has been an increase in heart complications. For example, people have suffered from a stroke, heart failure, and high blood pressure. However, we can prevent these instances by checking the symptoms before the condition worsens. Some common signs...


What are the Perks of Rehab?

Any person that is struggling with an addiction to alcohol or drugs will profit most likely from rehab. Those who have experienced dependency know how hard it can be to conquer it alone, as well as the recovery setting of...

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