
Tummy Tuck Surgery: A Few Things to Know

An abdominoplasty is also known as a tummy tuck. It is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to flatten your belly by eliminating extra fat and skin. Tummy Tuck Toronto might seem like a surgery you’d like to have done, there are a few things you should know about it beforehand.

Who can be a good candidate?

To start, you must ensure that you’re just a suitable candidate for the surgery. People who are in relatively good health and have a normal weight are the greatest candidates for an abdominoplasty. These individuals are physically fit, eat a healthy diet, but do not smoke. This procedure is excellent for those who have stubborn obesity or who have given birth and lost skin flexibility. Women who want to have additional children or who want to reduce a lot of weight should postpone this operation till the next childbirth.

What are the outcomes?

A tummy tuck will give you a flatter belly, smaller waist, and better-toned abs. You will see the benefits right away. You should be able to keep the effects for a long period if you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle that includes physical activity.

How this procedure is performed?

It is a surgical procedure that is done by putting you under local anesthetic, so you’ll have to plan ahead of time to take leave from work. Moreover, make sure to have someone with you so that he/she can drive you to the clinic and return home after the procedure, and stay with you following surgery.

Two incisions will be made during the surgery. The first originates from the hipbone on one side of the body, near the pubic region. The second incision will be made around your navel. Then, the skin is removed from the abdominal muscles. After that, the muscles will be pushed together and stitched back into position, leading to tighter muscles. This procedure will result in tighter abs and a narrower waist. 

What about the recovery period?

Depending on your circumstances, the recuperation period might range anywhere from two weeks to two months. Throughout your healing, you should avoid intense activities and heavy lifting. As long as your surgeon approves, you can return to your work within two weeks, however, this might vary widely depending on the sort of work you perform and the amount of pressure your body may be under.

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