Month Archives: July 2023


Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Have a Family Dentist

Dental health is important for everybody, no matter what age you are. If you have kids, then dental health is especially important because it affects the entire family. The same goes for adults. So, it is essential to choose the...


Periodontal Disease: The Most Common Causes 

Periodontal disease, popularly known as gum disease or periodontitis, is the leading cause of tooth loss if left untreated. It is a gradual progressive destruction of the surrounding gum tissues that may eventually involve the alveolar bone. It begins as...


How Can You Prevent TMJ Disorders?

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can cause discomfort, pain, and limitations in jaw movement. Fortunately, there are preventive measures you can take to reduce the risk of developing TMJ disorders.  Becoming aware of effective strategies for preventing TMJ disorders will be...


Benefits of Getting Dental Veneers

Porcelain veneers are additionally referred to as dental veneers. They are the fine layers of porcelain covering your teeth' front surface. These veneers, which are wafer-thin and custom-made tooth shells, are used to enhance a person's smile by whitening the...


When a Dental Inlay is the Ideal Choice?

Consider that your dentist or dental hygienist has discovered tooth decay or other oral damage that requires restoration. You are likely curious about the type of restoration your tooth will receive after the damage is repaired. While the term "fillings"...

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