
Common Dental Problems in Children 

Children tend to be more careless towards their dental care than adults. Since children like sweets and chocolates and most of them do not know the correct way of brushing and flossing, they have a high chance of developing oral problems like cavities. By learning the common dental problems in children, you can take the necessary precautions for your child. 

If your child has a toothache or already developed a cavity, visit quality dental care in Tukwila immediately. The longer you ignore a dental problem, the more your child will suffer later. Dental pain can become unbearable without painkillers, and you do not want to see your child go through that. That being said, here are some common dental problems in children. 

Common dental problems in children 

  • Tooth decay (cavities). 

Most young children do not know how to brush and floss their teeth properly. Additionally, most kids have a sugar-heavy diet and love chocolates. When these sticky, sugary substances remain in their mouth, it causes bacterial growth, plaque accumulation, and eventually cavities. The acid in the plaque destroys the tooth enamel and weakens your teeth. 

  • Gum disease. 

Not brushing your teeth and not taking overall care of your dental health can damage your teeth and your gums. The bacteria that linger around your teeth produce plaque and tartar, which gather at the base of your teeth and destroy gums. There are certain signs of gum disease that you should look out for, such as swollen and red gums, bad breath, etc. 

  • Misaligned teeth. 

Children often develop misaligned teeth due to their habit of thumb-sucking. This habit does not inflict permanent damage until their permanent teeth start coming in. Therefore, it could be a problem if it persists for a long time. Long-term thumb sucking can push your child’s teeth out of alignment. 

  • Tooth sensitivity. 

Sensitive teeth can not just be inconvenient but extremely painful for your child. Your child may be unable to enjoy their favorite foods and beverages without feeling a sharp pain. Tooth sensitivity in children can occur for several reasons, which is why bi-annual dental check-ups are important to know the underlying cause. 

  • Bad breath. 

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, sometimes comes from the food you consume. For example, onions and garlic can cause your breath to smell bad. However, chronic bad breath can be a sign of more serious problems in the teeth and gums. The main cause of bad breath is the bacteria in the mouth. If your child has bad breath, it means they are not brushing and flossing properly. 

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