
The Growing Trend Of Aesthetic Medicine

We read several quotes of how inner beauty is all that matters, yet in real life situations we often find people questioning external appearances.

Research in Psychology shows that external beauty actually does matter. We tend to perceive good looking people more positively than the ones who don’t.

In the world that worships physical appearances; aesthetic medicine is a blooming discipline.

What is aesthetic medicine?

Aesthetic medicine, a new trend of modern medicine; encompasses all the medical procedures aimed at enhancing physical appearances of patients. These treatments are generally non-invasive or minimally invasive and are performed by dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and doctors.

The medicine alters cosmetic appearance which includes reducing signs of aging, treatment of cellulite and excess fat, unwanted hair, laser-based therapies for scars, and so much more.

The aesthetician, along with physician; establish the cause of symptoms being treated, which ensures the symptom doesn’t have an underlying medical cause.

The treatment generally covers face, body, and skin care. And, with Medecine esthetique Clinicare, treatments are tailor-made according to your needs.

A few treatments are discussed below:

1] Neuromodulators: These are proteins which help in temporary muscle relaxation. They reduce the visibility of wrinkles. This treatment begins with evaluation by a doctor who then injects units superficially. It requires no recovery time.

2] Fillers: It consists of hyaluronic acid, a naturally present substance in the body. Needles and cannulas are used to deliver injections. It rejuvenates and hydrates the skin.

3] Fractional radiofrequency (Morpheus8®): Radio-frequency type energy is passed through gold plated needles, which is used to re-texture and re-model the skin.

4] PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma): It is used to even out skin tone, improve skin texture, hydrate skin, and reduce visibility of pores. The natural regeneration mechanisms of the skin are activated through your own blood growth factors.

5] Mesotherapy: It is carried out by injections, with little discomfort. It has a moisturizing effect and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Brings a radiant effect on the skin.

6] Microneedling: It involves pricking damaged skin, which causes physical trauma leading to rebuilding of the skin, by production of collagen and healing factors.

7] Bela Md: It makes use of recent technology and is an overall skin care treatment. Bela Md involves a process of exfoliation, hydrogenated water penetration, bio infusion serum, electroporation, and electromechanical stimulation in the end.

Living in a society that values physical appearances greatly, aesthetic medicine is a vital requirement and continues to grow.

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